Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sex cults--yeah..some say...

There have always been cults religion which use sex as a means of recruiting more members.
First there was paganism then Monotheism in its every form has tried to use sex ,as a weapon for gaining ground and by this i mean luring the guys i.e. The men..males...they are the one always looking out for more all the time...and sometimes if they are lucky..the would be able to spread their seed around...thats how it all spreads like a 'virus'.

But i would also like to talk about the failed 'Viruses' 

Raelism------  a big failure ..wanna be mainstream religion..

Scientology----despite having Big guys contacts ,it wont make it to the mainstream.

Jediism--i dont even know what to say about this!!!

Joy of Satanists--Nazi Teenagers who masturbate and think that doing this would make them Psychic....What?!

Bhaktagan-Belevers---New startup cult...i will stop it.

well thats for today....will be back soon for more.

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