Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Satanism is better religion...atleast they don't lie

hey all,
Hi to everyone...whoever has been reading or not.......

The good news is that i have been able to infiltrate the lightworkers cult and i found some startling information on their agendas.

1.) All lightworkers have some agenda up their sleev..no matter how sweet they talk and behave ..they are going to use you in the end.
2.)Lightworkers usually comprise of those people who want free sex and free money and are usually a social outcast...not casted out by the society but they try to fit in so much that they are thrown out from the society as complete obnoxious person!!!!
3.)Lightworkers label all religions as close minded and shut out from reality when the fact is ..they ask us to believe their lies without any hard evidence ..only on faith...if that is the case then whats wrong with follwing all the mainstream religions.???
4.)Lightworkers are the worst kind of people ..very manipulative and cunning.. and they use "love quotes" such as "i love you" as a tool to make every one believe that they are trying to save the world...they find a conspiracy in everything..almost everything....from evolution to death...they are anti society...

I suggest following satanism would give your conscience more moral right to fuck around and screw people than being a lightworker..

over and out..