Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ayodhya Verdict

Though i am opposed to gods and religion, i was particularly attarcted to the Ayodhya verdict.
The ayodhaya verdict is a court ruling which happened today in Indian state of Uttar pradesh in city of lucknow, a high court comprising of 3 judges passed a ruling that A SUPPOSEDLY DISPUTED LAND can now be trifuricated, ONE PART GOING TO HINDUS (Nirmohi akhada),ANOTHER TO MUSLIMS (Sunni waqf board) AND THIRD TO GOD RAM (?)...IF only Ram would come to claim it.
However it has been challenged by the plaintiff (Sunni waqf board)........ and thy will go to Supreme court now.
It took 60 yrs to decide whether GOD was born there or not??????!!!!!

I think the followers forgot that THEY SHOULD LET GOD DECIDE WHAT HE/SHE WANTS.

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