Friday, October 31, 2008

if god exists why is he/she/it unfair?

To me the only god that exists on this planet is power,money and sex.
these three have been clubbed into one and called as God and religion,since god as  all the power ,so he will have all the money and thats how chics dig it.
ok if god exists why is he unfair?i mean why does he/she/it gives more oppurtunities to someone dumber and arrogant than to someone more deserving?why?do you want to know ,i will tell you.

It's true that some guys are dumb but they are also smart enough to sense an oppurtunity and the guys who are really smart...... are really ....arrogant about opportunities so talent+oppurtunities=success.
so you see there is no god playing in this matter only humans and their basic management and understanding skills.

so start asking gods or god or goddesses some basic questions or some favours,maybe some whining may help you.

1 comment:

Garima said...

God does exist...oderwise how did u cum into did so many diff creatures cum into being???

i ll giv u an example....der are so many parlurs out in d still so many ppl r roaming around widout being shaved, a not so good appearance....does dat mean der r no barbers??

same way der is God....if dnt go to him...if u dnt approach can we abolish d wrong things....widout sadness happiness will hav no value...therefore poverty is as imp as richess....sadness is as imp as happiness.....evrything has to b u get me??