Monday, December 17, 2007

far from godism

i hate gods and their various godisms,very rare i have seen people who think rationally and without the thought of religion or using religion as a tool.
all the greats of our human history have atheists or people who were not very religious but good enough for social acceptance.
abraham lincoln is my favorite.
if god and his word is there why doesn't he broadcasts it through the sky? instead the being named god uses radio,television and what not imaginable to spread hate that it has in its heart.
i am talking about x-ianity and i-slam and hind-u-i-sms and all other religions whose breakup i will give you all in a matter of days.
These various religions take all our thinking knowledge away and fill us with false hopes about things that will never happen in future.nothing is there that can be fixed by it being named god,it's us,we humans ,we created our civilizations not god or gods and when things get out of hand we destroy it too.
we should take the affairs of our every day life from the hands of fictious characters and various other fictional mythologies and deal with it rationally like we do to our vices.

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